2002-1. Notices.

(a)  Who Shall Give Notice.
Unless otherwise ordered, the initiating party shall give the notices required by Bankruptcy Rules 2002(a)(2)[sale or lease of property]; (a)(3)[compromise or settlement]; (a)(4)[dismissal or conversion]; (a)(5)[modification of plan]; (a)(6)[applications for compensation], except for final applications; and 2002(b)[disclosure statement and plan].

(b)  Content of Notice.
The notices given pursuant to paragraph (a) shall fully comply with Bankruptcy Rule 2002(c).

(c)  Address List.
Unless otherwise ordered, all notices shall be served on the persons entitled to notice under Bankruptcy Rule 2002(g). In order to comply with this rule, the initiating party must use a current mailing list.

Attorneys should obtain current mailing list by logging onto CM/ECF, clicking on "Reports" and then "Mailing Matrix by Case." This generates the same list the Court would use for notice and permits compliance with this local rule.

(d)  Service on Committee.
Service on a committee appointed by the United States Trustee shall be made on the committee's counsel. If the committee has no counsel of record, service shall be made upon all members of the committee.