Uploading a Creditor Matrix

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A creditor matrix contains the names and addresses of creditors. This information is used for noticing and also for claims information, when applicable.  The creditor matrix must be in an ASCII text format, usually a .txt file, before it can be successfully uploaded.  Refer to the procedure, Converting a Creditor's Matrix to a .txt File.  All other file types within CM/ECF will be portable document format (PDF) files.


NOTE:  Be sure to process the matrix through the Creditor Matrix Review Program first.


1.  After accessing the CM/ECF system, click on the Bankruptcy hypertext link on the CM main menu bar.

2.  The BANKRUPTCY EVENTS screen displays.

3.  Click on the Creditor Maintenance hyperlink.

4.  The Creditor Maintenance screen displays.

5.  Click on Upload list of creditors file hyperlink.

6.  The UPLOAD A FILE screen displays.

7.  Enter the case number in yy-nnnnn format, including the hyphen.


NOTE:  If the system prompts that you have entered an invalid case number, click the browser's [Back] button and enter the correct number.


8.  Click [Next].

9.  The LOAD CREDITOR INFORMATION screen displays.

10. Use  the browse feature  to navigate to the appropriate directory and file of the creditor matrix file. To do this:

  • Click on the [Browse] button to display the FILE UPLOAD screen.

  • Click in the Look In box and select the appropriate drive name.

  • Change Files of types: to Text (.*txt) or All Files.

  • For quality assurance, right-click and select Open from the pick-list that is displayed

  • Verify that this is the correct matrix file for this case.  Close or minimize the text file by clicking on "X" in the upper right-hand corner.

  • If correct, double-click the file to select it or click on the [Open] button to attach the matrix file to the bankruptcy case.

  • Click [Next].


11. The TOTAL CREDITORS ENTERED screen displays.

  • If the total number of creditors entered is not the same as the total number of creditors on the submitted matrix, click the browser's [Back] button and research the error.

  • If the total number of creditors displayed is correct, click [Submit].


12. The CREDITOR RECEIPT screen displays.

  • The information displayed confirms the number of creditors added to the case.


13. Click on the Return to Creditor Maintenance Menu hyperlink to continue and repeat steps 7- 10 for each creditor matrix.  If there are no other matrices to add, select Logout or select another option on the Main Menu Bar.


NOTE:  The maximum amount of creditors per file is 4,000.