DeBN is a free and voluntary service for debtors to receive court generated notices and orders by email instead of U.S. mail. Debtors may enroll in DeBN at any time, and the service is available to all debtors with an open bankruptcy case.
Note: Only the court is authorized to send notices and orders to the debtor through DeBN. All other parties, such as trustees and creditors, will continue to serve the debtor by U.S. mail or pursuant to other applicable court rules.
How to Request DeBN Service
To enroll in DeBN a debtor must complete, sign and file a Debtor Electronic Noticing Request form. If both debtors in a joint case wish to receive emailed orders and court-generated notices, each joint debtor must file a separate Request form. The completed Request form is filed with the divisional office of the court where the debtor's case is pending. The debtor's attorney may file the Request form electronically.
Click this link to obtain a Debtor Electronic Noticing Request form which also available at any Bankruptcy Court clerk divisional office.
DeBN Requirements
To use the DeBN service and view the court orders and notices attached as a PDF document to a DeBN email, a debtor must have internet access, an email account and the free Adobe Acrobat Reader software, or another PDF capable reader.
Please note that the email address provided for a debtor’s DeBN account becomes part of the official court record, and a DeBN account will not be created if the clerk's office determines the debtor's email address is inappropriate or offensive.