Remember to always search for a creditor before adding.
Click Add Creditor hyperlink.
Enter the Case Number.
The CREDITOR INFORMATION screen displays.
Note: CM/ECF will warn the user if the case already contains creditors.
Enter the creditor name and address information.
Remember: 5 line maximum
Each line no more than 40 characters (Name may be 50)
Avoid special characters (# & C/O are okay)
Account number/attention line placed on line 2
City, State and zip code on last line
Zip + four must include hyphen
State must be 2 letter abbreviation
Type defaults to "Creditor". Other values available may be:
Limited Notice
Notice of Appearance
20 Largest Unsecured Creditors
If the creditor being added is a member of the creditor committee, click Yes
after the Creditor Committee button.
If more than one creditor separate creditors with a blank line.
The TOTAL CREDITORS ENTERED screen will appear.
Verify the number of creditors you have entered.
If the number is not correct, click the browser's Back button to investigate your entries.
Otherwise, click Submit.
The CREDITORS RECEIPT screen will then display.
This screen confirms the number of creditor records that have been added to the creditor database.
When claims are filed in CM/ECF, they are attached to the specific creditor record of the claimant.
The Proof of Claim module is accessible on this screen so a claim can be added to this new creditor in one continuous. operation.