Rules for Entry of Addresses

Rules for Entry of Addresses

There are three address lines available for the entry of address information.  Always start entering address information on "Address 1" DO NOT leave blank lines before or between address items.

  • Type company name "care of " designation on "Address 1" if such information is available.  If not, start entering information on "Address 1" in the following order (each of the following items should be on a separate line):


Building name (if any)                              U.S. Courthouse Building

Street Address (if any)                            123 Main St.

Post Office box number (if any)               P.O.Box 123

  • Number:     Use integers instead of spelling out any numbers. (i.e., use "1,2,3" or 1st, 2nd, 3rd instead of "one, two, three," or "first, second, third."  Never use a lower case "L" (ie.l) in the place of the symbol for "one" or "first" (i.e.1st).

  • Direction:    Use capital letters with no spaces or periods when typing street directions. (e.g. N,S,E,W,NE, NW, SE, SW, 1834N Main St.)

  • Suite, Apartment, Office or Room:      Type the number symbol # to make these references in the address, even if the suite, apartment, office, or room "number" is a letter.  Do not type a comma before,   or leave more than one space before the "#" symbol.

        CORRECT                                             INCORRECT

        123 Main St. #3456                               123 Main St. Room 3456

        22 Country Ln. #3                                   22 Country Ln. Apt 3

        456 Winding St. #A                                456 Winding St. Suite A

        2254 12th St. #D                                    2254 12th St., # D

  • Floor Number: Use an integer for the number (1st, 2nd,) and use the abbreviation (Fl.) For the word "Floor."  Type the floor number on the same line as the street address.  Do not include a comma after the street name. (E.g. 123 Main St. 5th Fl.)

  • Zip Code: Type all nine digits of a nine-digit zip code. Use a hyphen to separate the first five digits from the last four digits.  If the zip code only contains five digits type the zip code as is.

  • "Care of "designation: Indicate a "care of " designation by "c/o".  DO NOT USE A PERCENT SIGN (%) SYMBOL.

  • Street names that are letters: When the name of a street is a letter (e.g. O St., the name should be typed as a capital letter.  Do not place a period after the letter or place the letter in quotation marks.


CORRECT                                                       INCORRECT

1123 O St.                                                         1123 "O" St.

456 G St.                                                           456 G. St.


  • Street name abbreviations: Use the abbreviations listed below with a capital letter for the first letter and a period at the end of the abbreviation.  Do not type out whole words unless indicated below.

Avenue - Ave.                                                    Parkway-Pkwy.

Boulevard - Blvd.                                               Place - Pl.

Center - Center                                                 Plaza-Plaza

Circle - Circle                                                    Road-Rd.

Court - Ct                                                           Rural Route - RR

Drive - Dr.                                                          Square - Sq.

Expressway - Expwy.                                       Street - St.

Highway - Hwy                                                  Way - Way

Lane - Ln.

  • Post Office Box: Type post office box designations as P.O. Box.  Place a period after both the "P" and "O".  Type one space before the word "Box".  Do not type a space between the period after "P" and "O".  Do not use the number symbol (#) before the number.

CORRECT                                                           INCORRECT

P.O. Box 12                                                           Post Office Box #12

P.O. Box 45                                                           PO Box 45

P.O. Box 367                                                         P. O. Box 367