A Really Simple Syndication (RSS) Feed option is now available in CM/ECF. The feed provides users links to the docket sheet and documents. A standard RSS reader is not provided with CM/ECF, but the software supports the readers included with the standard supported browsers (e.g., Internet Explorer, Firefox). Users can subscribe to a (RSS) feed of activity made to cases.
Access to the RSS feed can be found on the Court Information page under the Utilities menu, Miscellaneous section. Clicking on the Entries made in the last 12 hours - Public Users hyperlink provides the CM/ECF user with a list of all entries made during this time period. In the yellow box at the top of the page is a hyperlink to Subscribe to this feed. PACER users do not incur any fees for viewing data provided by the RSS feed. Docket text is NOT displayed, just the short description of the docket event used. If the user clicks a hyperlink from the list provided (case number/title of case or document number of the entry made), the user will be prompted to login to PACER and PACER fees will be incurred.