CM/ECF Attorney Accounts

Thursday, March 7, 2024


To participate in training, please review the registration instructions and submit your registration at Train-PACER.

CM/ECF Attorney Accounts - are available to attorneys who qualify in accordance with Civil LR 11-1(a), 11-2 or 11-3, as incorporated by BLR 1001-2(a). Qualified attorneys are those who are either admitted to District Court in the Northern District of California, appearing Pro Hac Vice or representing the U.S. Government. You may attend our webinar or request a waiver.

There are two types of training offered:

  • Debtors Attorney - This course places emphasis on new case filings, new case supporting documents, motions and adversary proceedings.
  • Creditor's Attorney - This course places emphasis on motions, adversary proceedings, and claims.

Note: Non-attorney staff members may view the webinar and complete the practice assignment so as to familiarize working with ECF, but may NOT take or complete the webinar or practice assignment on behalf of an attorney applying for a login.

Please allow five to seven business days for the court to process your request. If you have any questions, please send an email to



Pursuant to the court's Electronic Case Filing Procedures attorneys may request a waiver to court-sponsored CM/ECF training by submitting the following documents:

  1. Please review the instructions and proceed to to request access to our court
  2. Submit by email a letter of acknowledgment written by the attorney affirming that they:

  3. Submit by email six Notices of Electronic Filing which were successfully filed with a CM/ECF bankruptcy court in another district. (Note: If you have only filed in the Eastern District of California Bankruptcy Court, you will be required to take the training course).

All documents must be submitted as a PDF.  Please e-mail all documentation to: .

Please allow five to seven business days for the court to process your request. If you have any questions, please send an email to