Chapter 21 - Transcript and Audio

Transcript and Audio

1) Complete and save a PDF copy of the Transcript Order Form.

2) Log in the CM/ECF.  Bankruptcy (or Adversary Proceeding) > Miscellaneous > enter case number [NEXT]

3) Select “Transcript Order Form (Public Request)” [NEXT]


4) Select Party Filer [NEXT]


5) Upload completed Transcript Order Form [NEXT]


6) Check “Refer to Existing Event(s)?” [NEXT]


7) Select the related event category for which the hearing transcript is requested (example: motion) [NEXT]


8) Select the related event for which the hearing transcript is requested (example: Motion for Relief from Stay) [NEXT]


9) Is the transcript request related to an Appeal?  If “Yes” an Expedited transcript must be ordered.  [NEXT]


10) Enter the hearing date of the hearing you want transcribed. [NEXT], [NEXT]


11) [NEXT]


12) The docket entry links to the filed Transcript Order Form and the related event for which the hearing transcript is requested.


1) Log in to CM/ECF.  Bankruptcy (or Adversary Proceeding) > Miscellaneous > enter case number [NEXT]

2) Select “Audio CD Request” [NEXT]